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BSNL ₹197 Recharge Plan

MRP:  ₹197

BSNL 197 recharge plan details:

Calls NA
Data 2GB/DAY
Validity 70 Days

Your Benefits :

U/L voice calls (Local/STD) any-net in Home LSA and National Roaming (incl. Mumbai and Delhi) for 15 days + UL Data (speed restricted to 40 Kbps after 2GB/day) for 15days + 100 SMS/day for 15 days.Charges after freebies are as follows: Voice call charges: Local calls Rs 1/min STD calls Rs 1.3/min Video Calls : Local/STD:- Rs 2/min SMS: Local 80p/SMS National: Rs 1.20/SMS International: Rs 6/SMS Data Charges 25p/MB